Run c++ program in google colab

Today, we discuss, how to compile and run c++ code in google colab and the Linux system. Google colab is useful for those users that want to run big programs or not have a capable system to run c++ programs. Another advantage of google colab is, user can share their file with others who can edit and run c++ programs as well.

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 Installation of c++ compiler
Refer to this link to download the compiler and also follow explained steps to install compile into your local machine   Open Page .

 Run and compile c++ program 

 1) To compile code :  "g++ filename.cpp -o anyname "
 2) To run program : " ./anyname"
 For example :  We make one file like helloworld.cpp, 

                         compile code :               "g++  helloworld.cpp -o helloProgram"    

                         ,and run the program:    "./helloProgram"


Run and compile C++(CPP) code in google colab

Follows steps to run c++ program into google colab :
    Step 1 :  write a  "%%writefile nameOfFile.cpp"  and run code
    Step 2:  To compile same program by writting  " ! g++  filename.cpp -o anyname"            
    Step 3: To run same program by writting a command " ! ./anyname" 


Download cpp file in google colab :  

 Use GPU in google colab :
Runtime -> change runtime type

C++ program in Linux 

  Follow steps :  

       1. Install compiler

       2. Create File - (vi filename.cpp)

       3. Compile command  - g++ filename.cpp -o anyname

       4. Run code : ./anyname


Other Questions :

Run c program  

Download c++ compiler

Google colab

Run c++ program in c++

Compile and run program in c++

Run and compile c++ program in google colab.

Run cpp program

Online c program run.

how to run c program in visual studio. 



  1. I have seen other blog related to this , and I found some download and so on.... This is best trick and simple


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